Thursday, November 13, 2008

The purpose of this Blog

This is a blog to help keep people informed as they want to find out. You can RSS feed to this blog very easily so that when it is updated, you will be informed via e-mail or google reader. If you would like to know how to RSS feed let me know. Kim is this cool with you as our Barnes blog or would you rather it be the wordpress one?

Friday, June 27, 2008

My yearly post

This Blog has been down as of the last year. So I don't want to hear any crap from you Albright. No but reading other blogs here lately has been an encouragement to me to start one again and keep with it. I think it will also help me with writing and speaking skills. More on this later.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Here she is. I will probably be using more so go there and search for Cache Barnes to see more pics for now anyway.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Awaiting Baby Barnes

I will be updating this as the Lord updates us on what is going on with the baby. Stay tuned.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Cast your anxieties on Him for He cares for you

1 Peter 5:4-7

I was sitting with a brother this morning talking about several different sins we both struggled with. One was people-pleasing, and how for me there is a sense of not wanting to burden anybody that slips into my mentality with the Lord. Then at the moment the Spirit was helpful, and said I enjoy the burden. The words of Jesus in Matthew 11:28-30, and this 1st Peter passage came to mind, where it tells us to cast our anxieties on Him. I then just thought, what it would do for my soul and my life to really meditate more on a God that is not burdened and enjoys taking the burdens of His children. He is not wearisome, worried, or bothered by them. He is free, full of joy, and capable. If I really thought about this God of ours who holds every being whether animate or not in existence as a God who is not phased by it at all, would probably have a significant impact on my soul. He knows every child that dies in the womb due to abortion, every elderly man taking his last breath, every cell that is developing into cancer the minute it happens, every snow storm in the remote spots of the Antarctic, every peaceful day in a child's playground, every act of war in the middle east, every life that is born, and every death that comes upon somebody. This God of our knows it all and allows it all and sustains it all. Along while doing this keeping stars trillions of light years away in it's place, and then naming it. He causes the sun to rise and set every day without fail. He causes the wind to blow the waves into shore. He keeps the sun at a temperature that doesn't lose heat, he causes the moon to reflect just perfectly at night. He never stops this ever since time began. This has been ongoing every single day for since existence of earth. And never does He grow tired, wearisome, bored, bothered, out of control, lacking enjoyment in keeping all of this in motion, or anxious. This is a very big God we have, and he says cast your anxieties upon me for I care for you. Let me do what I do best show off how great I am by keeping you in existence, and not only in existence, but also keeping you sane, and not only sane, but also giving you a joy that allows you to shrug off the biggest problem in the world. Yes, look death in the eye and say, "There is no more sting, my Lord has conquered you and based on His sovereign control over you, you now serve me, in ushering me to meet this great God. To live is Christ, and to die, well it is gain!!" What problem do we have that we should try to tackle it on our own and/or worry about it. Go ahead cast every burden you have on Him, rest, and watch Him do amazing works that you could not even dream.

Struggling to rest with you in allowing the Spirit to work,